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Quality vs Purity

Quality vs Purity

An oil can be pure while simultaneously being of poor quality

****What Affects the Quality of Essential Oils?

The aroma and exact percentage of each natural constituent contained in a particular pure, unadulterated essential oil can very depending on a variety of factors:

*Soil Quality, Rainfall, Climate, Altitude, Harvest, Storage before Distillation, Part of plant used in distillation, Equipment used for distillation and storage of final oil. And any adulteration/tampering with the oil.

****How are Essential Oils Usually Adulterated?

An adulterated essential oil is one that has been tampered with in some way. The common ways that essential oils are adulterated are as follows:

*Blending lower quality oil with higher quality oils, Adding individual constituents,naturally or synthetically derived. Adding synthetics to improve the aroma,

Many company's are claiming 100% pure but you need to see the documentation to know it's quality. Mainly the GLC/MSDS Quality assurance documents. The data collected by way of the combined GLC-MSDS test can be used to compare the specific constituents and their percentages to those of a known sample that possesses reliable purity and is of the optimal quality for the specific botanical.

These are the areas you need to look for to choose a quality oil for you and your family. All of these below should be listed and available for each individual oil.

*Common Name of the plant should be listed

*Latin Name should be listed

*Country of Origin

*Part of the plant used in the extraction process

*Batch Number and/or Expiration Date

*GLC/MSDS quality assurance testing and Documents from Testing available for review.

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